The Los Angeles Department of Cannabis Control (“DCR”) recently updated its Rules and Regulations (“Regulations”) on September 26, 2022, and then further revised them on October 4, 2022. These revisions included various new operational requirements, some of which are described in more detail below. The complete Regulations can be accessed here. DCR’s archive page of all versions of the Regulations can be found here

While the list below covers the most significant requirements, please note that there are additional requirements in the Regulations that must be maintained at your business premises for full legal compliance. We urge you to review the Regulations to ensure that you are in compliance with all of the requirements that may be applicable to your business. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Katchko, Vitiello & Karikomi, PC for more information and a member of the team will be happy to assist.

Compliance Attestation (ENF-3003-FORM)

All Licensees are now required to submit a signed ENF-3003-FORM titled Licensee Compliance Attestation form within 30 days from the date the Licensee begins operations. By signing, the Licensee is certifying that they have read and understood DCR’s Rules and Regulations. The Licensee is also required to provide a copy of the Rules and Regulations for Cannabis Procedures to all Primary Personnel, managers, and the person-in-charge.

A signed copy of the ENF-3003-FORM must be submitted to DCR via email at The form must be signed by an individual or individuals who represent at least 51% aggregate ownership of the Licensee, and the Social Equity Individual Applicant if applicable. Any Licensee that has already received Temporary Approval must submit the form to DCR by November 21, 2022

You can download the ENF-3003-FORM here.

Security Plan

A Licensee must develop and implement a written security plan. At a minimum, this plan must describe how the Licensee will address the following:

  • Preventing unauthorized access to the business premises.
  • Installing a security alarm system.
  • Implementing an identification and sign-in procedure for authorized individuals (e.g. visitors, suppliers, etc.) entering the premises.
  • Maintaining the premises to promote visibility and security monitoring.
  • Investigating suspicious activities and deterring the theft or loss of cannabis and cannabis products. 

Code of Conduct

Licensees must implement two Codes of Conduct: one for employees and one for patrons (if applicable).

The Employee Code of Conduct must address the following, at a minimum:

  • Workplace behavior
  • Employee accountability
  • Compliance with the State and City’s operational rules and regulations
  • Other relevant internal operational procedures

Licensees must provide a training program to all employees regarding the Employee Code of Conduct. 

The Patron Code of Conduct must address the following, at a minimum:

  • Prohibit loitering
  • Prohibit littering
  • Prohibit abusive or offensive behavior
  • Encourage patrons’ mindfulness of the surrounding neighbor

Licensees must post the Patron Code of Conduct in a visible and public area at the business premises.

Delivery Vehicle Placard

Licensees must register all delivery vehicles with DCR and receive a Delivery Vehicle Placard (“DVP”) for each vehicle. 

  • Registration requires submitting each delivery vehicle’s make, model, color, VIN, and license plate number to DCR.
  • Registration must occur within 30 days of DCR issuing a delivery license. 
  • Licensees must receive a DVP from DCR before any deliveries can be made. DVPs must be displayed in the vehicle at all times.
  • The Licensee shall notify DCR via email at when a new vehicle is added to or removed from the fleet. 

Please contact one of our team members should you need any assistance to ensure compliance with these requirements. 

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