Q: When do the new METRC reporting requirements for deliveries go into effect?

A: Retailers will have until April 1, 2023 to implement and comply with the changes.

Q: What information must be included on the Delivery Inventory Ledger

A: The Following information must be included in every Delivery Inventory Ledger:

    • The Ledger Number generated by METRC for the delivery trip
    • Name and License number of the licensed retailer
    • Delivery employee’s
      • Name
      • Employee ID
      • Drivers License Number
    • Delivery Vehicle’s
      • Make,
      • model, and
      • license plate number
    • Cannabis Goods carried on the delivery trip
      • Item name and category
      • UID assigned to the cannabis goods
      • The number of units associated with each UID
    • The UIDs of any cannabis goods that have been ordered and processed prior to the delivery trip
    • The date and time the delivery employee begins the trip

Q: After the delivery is complete, what information needs to be recorded in METRC?

A: The following information needs to be recorded in METRC before the end of the day:

    • Date and time the delivery was completed (when the cannabis goods are physically provided to the customer)
    • Whether the customer is Adult-Use or Medical-Use, or a caregiver
    • The UID and quantity of each cannabis goods delivered
    • The purchase price of each cannabis good delivered
    • The county in which the delivery was completed

Q: Once the delivery trip is completed, what information needs to be recorded in METRC?

A: The retailer must record the end date and time of the delivery trip in METRC

The “end date and time” of a delivery trip is:

    • The date and time when the driver returns to the retail premises after completing all deliveries that are part of the same delivery trip
    • IF the delivery driver does not return to the retail premises because they are no longer carrying any cannabis goods,
      • the date and time of the last delivery completed.

Q: How is the Delivery Inventory Ledger updated when a delivery driver picks up more ordered products from the premises to be delivered?

A: If the same driver returns on the same day as when the original Delivery Inventory Ledger was created, then:

    • The delivery trip can be continued in METRC
    • The additional inventory is considered apart of the original delivery trip, and a new ledger is not required
    • The original ledger must be updated with the following information:
    • Additional Cannabis goods:
    • Item name and category
    • UID assigned to the cannabis goods
    • The number of units associated with each UID
    • Date and time the driver leaves the retail premises to continue the delivery trip

Q: At the end of a Delivery Trip, does the delivery driver need to return to the premises?

A: Only if the delivery driver carries unsold cannabis goods.

  • If the driver carries unsold cannabis goods, then the driver must:
    • return to the retail premises
    • remove the unsold cannabis goods from the ledger
    • return the unsold cannabis goods to the retailer’s inventory in METRC
    • The “end date and time” of the delivery trip is when the driver returns to the retail premises, and must be recorded in METRC
  • If the driver DOES NOT carry unsold cannabis goods, then”
    • The driver is not REQUIRED to return to the premises,
    • The driver MAY end their shift after completing the final delivery of the delivery Trip.
    • The “end date and time” of the delivery trip is the date and time of the last delivery completed, and must be recorded in METRC

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