Foreclosure Changes In The California Homeowner Bill of Rights (“HBOR”)

On January 1, 2018, certain provisions of the HBOR expired. However, the expiration date did not apply to all of the HBOR’s provisions and many provisions have been replaced by new regulations. We’ve prepared the below summary of some of the substantial changes to the law and how they will affect HBOR litigation in the …

The Justice Department Will Stop Setting Aside Settlement Funds for “Special-Interest” Groups

A new article by the Los Angeles Times discusses that, under President Trump appointee Jeff Sessions, the Justice Department will no longer set aside money from fraud settlements with corporate wrongdoers (such as Bank of America and Citigroup) to give to community groups and nonprofits. It had previously been commonplace under the Obama administration to apportion …

U.S. Supreme Court Confirms That States Can Sue Banks For Foreclosure Crisis

Today, in the matter of Bank of America Corp v. City of Miami Florida, the United States Supreme Court has decided by a 5-3 decision that states have the power to sue banks for discriminatory lending practices, including racial discrimination, that led to the recession and foreclosure crisis. Read the Supreme Court decision here. In …

Ocwen Admits it Places Borrowers on a “Dual Path” to Foreclosure

We recently obtained a jury verdict and judgment against Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC (“Ocwen”) in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California on behalf of our clients, Frank and Dora Cornejo (Case No: 1:15-cv-00993-JLT) on the claim that Ocwen foreclosed on their home in violation of Cal. Civ. Code §2923.6, which …

Explaining HBOR’s requirement of a Single Point of Contact

California Civil Code §2923.7, which is part of the set of laws commonly referred to as the Homeowner Bill of Rights (“HBOR”), requires that a loan servicer assign a Single Point of Contact (“SPOC”) to a borrower.  While this may seem clear in the abstract, actually applying this requirement in the real world is a …

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